Does Your Soul Hate Mondays?

Does your work fill you with joy?  Are you someone who welcomes Monday with a smile or a big, fat groan?  

 Many of us spend much of our lives in a job that we do not love and our quest for joy and spirituality is squeezed into non-work time.  How much more rewarding if you could work at a job that was in line with your spiritual purpose and truly live in the present, experiencing peace and happiness  in every waking moment.

Take a moment to think about how you behave at work.  Do you sink into a mindless routine of acceptance or are you fully engaged and present?  Is there a ticker tape running in your head along the lines of “I’ll never get through all this work. Why do I get dumped on?    Nobody appreciates me.   I’m the only one who can do this.   How did I end up here?  How long till home time?”

Negative repeating thought patterns may lead you to unconsciously push away the spiritual helpers that might be available to assist you in finding a new path.

Many people promise themselves, that when they have time (or money) they will set up a restaurant, travel the world, write a book or whatever their dream is.  Their dream sustains them through the dark days of working at an unfulfilling job, but they never actually take the steps needed to achieve their dreams.

Figuring out your soul’s purpose is often just about tuning in to the signs.

What exactly is a Soul Purpose?

A soul purpose can be loosely defined as doing what you love to do, for the highest good of yourself and all concerned.   In Sanskrit terms it is known as your ‘dharma’ or ‘righteous living’.  It is referenced in the ancient Hindu texts ‘The Vedas’.

Look around at the people you know.   Can you get a sense of how many of them are ‘living their dharma full out’?    Many small business owners work tirelessly for little reward because they simply love what they are doing.   Writers and artists frequently spend their living years in poverty, only achieving fame and fortune after their death.  They do what they have to do, because if they did otherwise, something inside them would wither and die.    Keats initially trained as a lawyer until he was 21 and then gave it all up to become a poet.    He died penniless at 26. Over two hundred years later, Keats is still a household name synonymous with poetry and love.

When you are working in tune with your soul purpose, it does not feel like work at all; a sense of effortless and ease is one of the hallmarks of being in your ‘dharma’.

 Confucius, ancient Chinese philosopher, said.

 “Choose a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”.    

How your soul tries to communicate with you

When it comes to listening to your soul, be aware that there are many voices competing for your attention – families, partners, your own expectation, parents and cultural norms.  Sometimes we get a glimmer of what our soul purpose is but if it is derided or ignored by others, we may discount it.

“As a very young child, Annette’s favourite game was to cut out people figures from a magazine, lay them around the room and make up stories.  She was a natural writer, but her parents poo pooed the idea of writing as a serious career choice.   As an adult, she tried one job after another and it wasn’t until her parents died, that she had the courage to let go of the limiting beliefs imposed by her parents and pursue her dream.

John Holland, psychic medium, believes that your soul is always there trying to talk to you and encourage you to be your highest self.     He says that your soul talks to you through dreams, synchronicities (coincidences), intuition and wake up calls.  Katie heard her soul calling one day when she went out by chance with her friend and her mother.

Katie was always top of the class at school.  Her father had wanted boys and he encouraged Katy to study physics and engineering.  He was very proud of her when she graduated in engineering and got a job working in radiation control.  At 25 Katie was earning £35k per annum and her friends envied her her lifestyle.   However, Katie herself suffered from chronic feelings of lack of self-worth.   On a day out with her best friend and her best friend’s mother,   the friend’s mother happened to notice how helpful  Katie was in sorting out timetables and organising hotels.   She complimented Katy on how talented she was at organising and supporting others.  It was the wake-up call that sparked Katie into action.  She left her job in radiation, retrained and later got a top job as an Executive PA. Her life was transformed.

Often what we think of as our intuition or a gut feeling is really your soul trying to get in touch with you.   Have you been in an environment where you felt unexpectedly totally and utterly comfortable, as if you belonged?   Have you ever picked up a tool and had an intuitive grasp about how to use it.Be alert to the signs from the universe and your own intuition. Your souls’ purpose may be closer to the surface than you think.

How to ask your Spirit Guide for help

Part of the Mayan philosophy is that there is a whole raft of spirit guides and helpers who are there, working in the higher vibrational frequencies, ready to help you in bringing your soul purpose to fruition.  Here’s how to ask for help:-

  • Sit down comfortably.
  • Slow your breathing and empty your mind of passing thoughts and worries. 
  • Ask your spirit guide for help, perhaps formulating your question something along the lines of
  • “Please show me my soul’s purpose, the work that I should be doing for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned.”
  • Relax and observe if any visual images or words come into your mind.  

Another method to try is to ask your spirit guide to show you your soul purpose before you go to sleep.  Pay attention to your dreams and look out for coincidences in the days that follow.   You may receive unsolicited promotional items in your inbox or social media feed.   Somebody might introduce you to someone or a book or an advertisement may catch your eye.  Do not ignore these small signs.  Messages from the soul come in small, insignificant ways.   Be careful not to overlook them because you are in a stress over your current boss or workload.

Embarking upon a new journey

When you have found out what your soul purpose is, that is just the beginning.  You may need to make changes in your life, to make room for this new path.  You might need to retrain or make some sacrifices.  You will almost certainly need to let go of things or people who are not part of your new journey.  And as you focus more on your dream, be confident that your passion will inspire other people to join you and help you.  You will shine from the inside out and feel more vibrant and positive than you have felt for a long time.  In such a positive mindset a whole myriad of spirit helpers will line up to help you achieve your desires.

Happy soul searching!

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